Joaquín Linares Córdoba
KM Reykjavík er stytting á "Knattspyrnufélagið Miðbær Reykjavík".
Karlaliðið var stofnað árið 2013 sem 7 manna fótboltalið af nokkrum áhugaleikmönnum frá Spáni sem búa á Íslandi.
Við skráðum okkur í KSÍ sem 11 manna fótboltalið 2018 og hefur Karlalið KM spilað í 5. deildinni síðan árið 2019.
Í mars 2023 hlaut KM Hvatningarverðlaun UMSK fyrir verkefnið „Starf með nýbúum“.
vatningarverðlaun UMSK geta hlotið aðildarfélag, deild innan aðildarfélaga eða einstaklinga innan aðildarfélaga UMSK fyrir eftirtektarverð og framsækin verkefni sem skara fram úr eða fyrir óeigingjarnt starf í þágu samfélagsins“.
Í febrúar 2024 hlaut framkvæmdastjóri KM Grasrótarpersónu KSÍ 2023 fyrir störf sín hjá KM.
Við erum sjálfstætt félag, ekki hluti af neinum knattspyrnufélag eða neinu sveitarfélagi.
Þess vegna eru auðlindir okkar takmarkaðar en ástríða okkar, vinna og viðleitni skila góðum árangri.
Við æfum og spilum heimaleiki í Kórnum Gervigras (Kópavogi). Sjá staðsetningu hér.
KM skipuleggur Boreal Cup, vetrarmót í fótbolta fyrir 5. deildar karlalið (www.borealcup.com).
Áfram KM!
Grasrótarpersónu KSÍ 2023
Hvatningarverðlaun UMSK
KM Reykjavík var stofnað árið 2013 undir heitinu FC Iberia. Í upphafi voru flestir leikmenn frá Spáni og vísar nafnið til Íberíuskagans þar sem Spánn er staðsettur. Hugmyndin á bak við liðið þá var að hittast einu sinni í viku og spila fótbolta í góðra vina hópi.
Árið 2014 var ákveðið að liðið tæki þátt í Gulldeildinni, en þar er spilaður 7vs7 bolti. Það fór því miður svo að liðið tapaði öllum sínum leikjum og endaði í neðsta sæti.
Eftir þetta slæma gengi tók liðið sér eins árs pásu frá Gulldeildinni, en það voru samt ennþá haldnar vikulegar æfingar og spilaðir vináttuleikir. Nýir leikmenn frá mismunandi löndum gengu til liðs við liðið eftir að hafa heyrt frá öðrum leikmönnum hvað það væri alltaf gaman á æfingum og liðsandinn frábær.
Þetta gerði liðið betra og árið 2016 var nafninu breytt í Dynamo Reykjavík. Með nýja nafninu vildum við vísa í sögufrægu evrópsku liðin sem bera Dynamo-nafnið. Dynamo þýðir einnig „kraftur“ á forngrísku (δύναμις) og það var einmitt eitt af meginmarkmiðum okkar; að verða kraftmikið lið.
lok 2017 var ákveðið að undirbúa liðið í að spila í 4. deildinni árið 2019 og spila 11vs11 bolta undir nýju nafni: KM Reykjavík.
Liðið er núna skráð hjá Knattspyrnusambandi Íslands (KSÍ).
Karlalið KM spila í 5. deildinni síðan árið 2019.
Kvennaliðið keppti í 2. deild og Íslandsbikarnum árið 2021 (sjá hér)
Í nóvember og desember 2023 lék KM KSÍ Futsal mót í fyrsta sinn.
Íslensk útgáfa kemur fljótlega
Why are we here?
KM is a football club focused on:
·Sports practice, competition and cultural exchange that encourages and promotes the development of Icelandic football, based on shared values. We pretend to be a model club, oriented to excellence, with a long-term project that ensures a gradual and sustained development in the institutional, social and sportive area being a reference in this field and sports framework.
·Promoting and encouraging sports and physical activity, as a tool to get people healthy and committed to society.
·Being part of the social environment and positevely implement our work with actions of sport and solidare nature.
·Being commited of using football, sport and education as a tool for making the world a better place to live designing projects that are commited with the environment, the cultural exchange, the education and charity.
What do we want to be? Where do we want to go?
·To be a reference institution in the sports and social areas with a solid, unified and club structure.
·Make KM tradeband stronger internally and externally.
·Increase the feeling of belonging to the club.
·Improve in the sportive area and in the icelandic competition while respecting and implementing our club values.
·Be referents in Icelandic football. A social institution admired, respected and loved where the values and formative aspects are essential.
·Build partnerships with institutions around the world to achieve our mision.
·Create relations and projects to provide the players with less resources of a chance to develop personally and professionally in the football environment.
·Create relations and projects to provide people in other communities with less resources of a chance to develop personally and professionally in the sport and education environment.
·Positive and Happy football
·Promote a positive environment to create happy players make the team more succesful while everyone enjoys and learn more.
·Respect is one of the fundamental pillars of sport and life. Respect for the game, integrity, diversity, dignity, rules, referees, rivals and fans.
·Be active part of the process to enjoy the success and beat the dificulties.
·Social and environment commitment, be a better persons in a better society.
·Improve day by day. Help improve others. Help growing up the KM community.
·Champions mindset. High goals.
·Do more of what you love and give your 100% to it.
·Find the best ways to attract the happiness of others with the less resources.
·New ideas, new connections.
·Perceive the world in a new ways. Find hidden patterns.
·Amateurism vs Professionalism
·Go back to the football roots, passion and love for the game and its essence. Provide this philosohpy to a professional estructure and its responsabilities.
·Share knowledges and traditions. Welcome participants no matter the origin, the sex, race or religion.
·Expand and share Icelandic and european football culture. Add and learn other football cultures around the world.
·Allow, respect and accept the existence of diferent opinions, behaviours or beliefs no matter the sexuality, the religion or the origin.
·Willing to accept them even those are different than yours or you don't agree or like it.
·Gender equality
·The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
·Commitment for promoting women football in countries it is still not well developed enough.
·Non Political
·We are a club commited with the society and its improvement with an Independent thinking. We accept all the options that respect the human rights.
·We are a priviledged community, therefore we thank all the subjects that make it happen.
·Know the FIFA Laws of the Game. The values, vision and mision of KM. And its rules and code of conduct. Know the internal rules of your team.
·Play hard, but play fair. Know and make his/her best effort to obey the letter of the Laws of the Game.
·Be a good sport person. Respect and honor all other participants – opponents, referees, coaches, and spectators; Understand and respect the spirit of the Laws, avoiding cynical and unfair play.
·Be Positive according to enjoy the game, and to promote enjoyment of the game by others.
·Support your team, be a team player, not a lone hero. Promote the learning, effort, and development of all participants by encouragement and patience.
·Refrain to the greatest extent possible from disagreeing publicly with the referee’s decisions, remembering that loud or persistent disagreement can undermine the referee’s ability to monitor and control the game – to the detriment of the players – and can undercut the referee’s authority, and over time, the status of all authority figures.
·Be respectful. Never insult, demean, or criticize any participant, whether player, game official, or team official. Offensive, insulting, or abusive language is absolutely contrary to the spirit of the game.
·Enjoy Soccer fully, but remember that in the end Soccer is only a game. Refrain from adverse interaction with other spectators.
·Do whatever can be done, by word and example, to encourage adherence to these principles by those persons who have greater difficulty adhering to them.
·Be tolerant with the religion and political ideas of others. Never disrespect our communitty and never use KM name to define any political or religious believes.
·We are a multicultural Icelandic club founded by spaniards. We encourage every single member of our community to learn and talk Icelandic. We respect the value of the good and positive comunication so We cheer all the members of our community to talk a language that everyone knows during our events. We take Icelandic and English as our official languages.
·Cheer the other KM teams in their events and in the social media. Get to know and learn from each other with all the KM players in its different teams.
·Thank the coach, the teammates and all the staff after every practice and games shaking their hands.
·Know the FIFA Laws of the Game. The values, vision and mision of KM. And its rules and code of conduct being an important part of implementing it and maximize it.
·Instruct players in the values, vision and mision of KM. And its rules and code of conduct. Motivate each player to compete according to that all times.
·Treat officials with respect and dignity, and teach their players to do the same.
·Maintain control of his/her emotions and avoid actions, language, and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile or humiliating.
·Promote and practice good sportsmanship and fair play and never promote violations of the Laws of the Game or behavior contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game.
·Ensure that spectators of his/her team exhibit sportsmanship and maturity at all times and
assist league and game officials in maintaining control of spectators during games.
·Model respect for opponents and expect their players to do the same.
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